02.02.2013 в 00:59
Пишет  H.G. Wells:

02.02.2013 в 00:34
Пишет  adorkable:

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Да, это тот самый Бойд Краудер, который в третьем сезоне Justified о****нее Рейлана Гивенса.

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И не только в третьем. Как по мне, так в принципе.
Прошу прощения у автора перепоста за правку, у меня намеренно нет ограничения на возраст ))

As interesting a hero as Raylan is, he wouldn't be the hero without a nemesis worthy of him. Boyd Crowder, as played by the eclectically handsome Walton Goggins, is quite possibly the complicated man on television. Period. He’s not quite good, though he has some admirable qualities to him like fierce loyalty and a somewhat skewed sense of honor; he is bad, though the good qualities make it impossible to write him off completely as a villain. He’s as smart as he is crazy, which is truly saying something, as shown in the way he can quote Asimov and John Maynard Keynes in the same sentence while he converses with a man he’s tied to a chair and attached a stick of burning dynamite. In short, he’s just riveting to watch. (c)

@темы: justified