Почему мне никто не рассказал про Sundance Channel?! Канал входит в состав AMC Network, и "фестивальное" название свое получил не случайно. Здесь показывают качественные независимые продукты, в том числе и несколько сериалов, как оказалось.
12 years old and 5 months pregnant, Tui Mitcham walks into a freezing lake ... then disappears. Detective Robin Griffin returns home to investigate, but it's not a simple missing persons case. In this breathtaking but remote mountain town, there are evil forces as powerful as the land itself. And those who offer a glimpse of paradise also provide a path to hell. Trapped where happiness and honest work are just out of reach, Griffin must not only find the girl but also face her own haunting past. With the men that she once left behind now standing in her way, every step closer to solving the case unearths a dangerous truth about herself. A 7-part series starring Elisabeth Moss and Holly Hunter. Written and directed by Academy® award winner, Jane Campion.
After spending 19 years on Death Row for the rape and murder of his teenage girlfriend, Daniel Holden is going home. His conviction has been vacated due to new DNA evidence, thrusting him back into a world he no longer knows. Having spent his adult life waiting to die, Daniel must now learn how to live again. But, his reentry into the outside world may be as unforgiving as prison. He is haunted by the past, dogged by the present, and uncertain of the future. As he struggles to adapt to his new life, his return will reignite the fears of a small town and threaten to shatter his family's fragile peace. Daniel's alleged crime divided a community. His freedom could tear it in half.
Трейлер (в отвратительном качестве, но другое, к сожалению, недоступно)
Сеттинг (Новая Зеландия и американский Юг (ЮГ!!!)), каст (мне одной Элизабет Мосс достаточно) и создатели прямо-таки намекают на маст воч!
"Top of the Lake" - это мини-сериал. На данный момент показано 5 эпизодов из 7, отзывы критиков очень лестны. На рутрекере имеются годные сабы и даже озвучка.
Конечно, "убитые/пропавшие девочки в таинственных местечках" - это уже не ново, но тут, по-моему, что-то выпадающее из привычного жанра.
Ну и на секундочку: шоураннер стартующего в конце апреля "Rectify" - Рэй МакКинон, близкий друг мистера Гоггинса, с которым оба получили "Оскар" в 2001-м за короткометражку "The Accountant", и это тот самый "Rectify", где в главной роли должен был сниматься все тот же мистер Гоггинс, но т.к. в 2010-м АМС сериал не заказал, он сделал судьбоносный выбор в пользу "Justified".
Walton Goggins: When you asked the question about how Boyd died in the Justified pilot I thought of Rectify; Justified was the woman I was sleeping with, Rectify was the woman I was married to. When Rectify didn't get picked up it was like having your wife leave you, but what I was left with was this alternate love of my life, and as fate would have it, Justified was where I was supposed to be. I do not have any remorse about not being able to play that character because it landed me the opportunity to play Boyd and continue to play Boyd.
Ray McKinnon (who wrote Rectify) is my best friend and we talk at length about so many things and I'm just happy for him and I'm happy for the actor who gets to play that role. I genuinely think it's one of the best roles on television and it's one of the best pilots that's been written in the last decade. It also highlights a subject matter that needs to be talked about, and that's the death penalty. You can be for it, you can be against it, and the show will present it in ways to see the plusses and the minuses and you'll be left to make up your own mind through the journey of one man.
12 years old and 5 months pregnant, Tui Mitcham walks into a freezing lake ... then disappears. Detective Robin Griffin returns home to investigate, but it's not a simple missing persons case. In this breathtaking but remote mountain town, there are evil forces as powerful as the land itself. And those who offer a glimpse of paradise also provide a path to hell. Trapped where happiness and honest work are just out of reach, Griffin must not only find the girl but also face her own haunting past. With the men that she once left behind now standing in her way, every step closer to solving the case unearths a dangerous truth about herself. A 7-part series starring Elisabeth Moss and Holly Hunter. Written and directed by Academy® award winner, Jane Campion.
After spending 19 years on Death Row for the rape and murder of his teenage girlfriend, Daniel Holden is going home. His conviction has been vacated due to new DNA evidence, thrusting him back into a world he no longer knows. Having spent his adult life waiting to die, Daniel must now learn how to live again. But, his reentry into the outside world may be as unforgiving as prison. He is haunted by the past, dogged by the present, and uncertain of the future. As he struggles to adapt to his new life, his return will reignite the fears of a small town and threaten to shatter his family's fragile peace. Daniel's alleged crime divided a community. His freedom could tear it in half.
Трейлер (в отвратительном качестве, но другое, к сожалению, недоступно)
Сеттинг (Новая Зеландия и американский Юг (ЮГ!!!)), каст (мне одной Элизабет Мосс достаточно) и создатели прямо-таки намекают на маст воч!
"Top of the Lake" - это мини-сериал. На данный момент показано 5 эпизодов из 7, отзывы критиков очень лестны. На рутрекере имеются годные сабы и даже озвучка.
Конечно, "убитые/пропавшие девочки в таинственных местечках" - это уже не ново, но тут, по-моему, что-то выпадающее из привычного жанра.
Ну и на секундочку: шоураннер стартующего в конце апреля "Rectify" - Рэй МакКинон, близкий друг мистера Гоггинса, с которым оба получили "Оскар" в 2001-м за короткометражку "The Accountant", и это тот самый "Rectify", где в главной роли должен был сниматься все тот же мистер Гоггинс, но т.к. в 2010-м АМС сериал не заказал, он сделал судьбоносный выбор в пользу "Justified".
Walton Goggins: When you asked the question about how Boyd died in the Justified pilot I thought of Rectify; Justified was the woman I was sleeping with, Rectify was the woman I was married to. When Rectify didn't get picked up it was like having your wife leave you, but what I was left with was this alternate love of my life, and as fate would have it, Justified was where I was supposed to be. I do not have any remorse about not being able to play that character because it landed me the opportunity to play Boyd and continue to play Boyd.
Ray McKinnon (who wrote Rectify) is my best friend and we talk at length about so many things and I'm just happy for him and I'm happy for the actor who gets to play that role. I genuinely think it's one of the best roles on television and it's one of the best pilots that's been written in the last decade. It also highlights a subject matter that needs to be talked about, and that's the death penalty. You can be for it, you can be against it, and the show will present it in ways to see the plusses and the minuses and you'll be left to make up your own mind through the journey of one man.
а про Юг я тоже хочу посмотреть
The Killing немножко напоминает, но тут не в преступлении даже дело.