Синяя_звезда, думаю, ты оценишь
Lana Parrilla: I was talking to Sebastian Stan, who plays Mad Hatter, and we were playing a scene the other day and [he was] like “I feel like this scene could be our musical scene”. [Laughs] And I was like “You’re absolutely right like we could totally sing this one and it would be hilarious and so fun”, the musical version of Once Upon A Time...
...And we’re gonna see more of the Mad Hatter. But I think we don’t want to give everything away too soon, it’ll happen over a period of time.
Последнее предложение радует, будем надеяться, что их истории все-таки и вправду завязаны, и нам об этом поведают.
Jennifer Morrison: I also enjoyed Episode 17 as well, which was the Mad Hatter episode. I felt like because I was kidnapped and taken to the middle of the woods, it sort of felt like a play. … We shot all of that in one day, and it felt like doing a play for one day, so that was really fun.
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